Social Media Mistakes of Job Seekers – Don’t do these at any cost

Mistakes on Social Media
Mistakes on Social Media

While the power of social media can help you get a job, it can also work against you. If looking for a job, knowing what NOT to post on social media is almost, if not more, important than knowing what to share. You can find that equilibrium by avoiding these seven social media blunders.

The below mentioned points outline Social Media mistakes of Job Seekers:

  1. Not updating your professional profile frequently

You may have started up a Twitter or LinkedIn account to associate with experts in your industry and follow influencers and news sources. That is extraordinary, just remember to update it time and again. Hiring managers and recruiters will be glad to see that you are dynamic, but they won’t be impressed if you are not updating your profile with time.

  1. Not engaging in a positive way

Social networks or media is a platform to engage with society and be interactive. The more you build your profile that echoes your job goals, there is a high chance to connect with industry leaders which can lead to better opportunities. But remember always engage in a positive way and not in a confrontational way.

  1. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is not at all acceptable in the business. If done, it will stick with you throughout your career which will ultimately bring your downfall. Not just professional, but personal accounts should be hold to same standards. If you want to use someone else’s work, then always give credit. Do not just show someone else’s work as yours.

  1. Unable to build a network

Networking is an important aspect of professional as well as personal life. In professional life, building networks will reflect the recruiters that you’re able to build and maintain networks and grow and communicate with the larger audience. One who can master this skill, will be an asset to the company. This becomes more crucial for people in Sales & Business Development profiles.

  1. Don’t be aggressive/offensive

Public accounts should be handled with care. If companies or recruiters, find anything suspicious or anything flagged on your accounts, you’ll be blacklisted if the offense is severe. Don’t post anything which can lead to such situations. Essentially, if it is marked as NSFW (not safe for work) on the websites, don’t post it. Topics like Religion / Politics are best kept out of your professional social media accounts.

  1. Complaining about job or employee

If you had a bad day at work, don’t vent out on social media. If recruiters see that, you have ill-spoken about the job or the employer or any colleague, it will be held against you. Moreover, your chances of getting recruited will get diminished. So, if you want to complain or bash about the situation, do it over a cup of coffee or meeting in person with a friend. Cause, online bashing may hamper your reputation and may even get blacklisted in major companies.

  1. Avoid misrepresentation of you

Anything you post, of share on social media, represents a part of you. Never indulge in such things that don’t represent the true self. Recruiter when go through the background check look for every aspect of you, from photos to tweets to reposts. You must ensure that your ethics and reliability is not damaged as they are important for recruitment and selection.

  1. Avoid negativity

Most importantly, you should not come off as negative to hiring managers and recruiters and the selectors because it will make them think that they don’t want to work with such negative person. Always be positive in your posts, share hobbies and the things you like, show your all-round nature.

We are sure that, now that you are aware of the common mistakes freshers make in a resume you will not repeat that.

Also now you know the social media mistakes that job seekers make you can also read the mistakes in a resumes that jobseekers make. 

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